Top 10 Plants to Improve Indoor Air Quality
This is from, believe it or not, the
Earthship website. We’ll be talking about Earthships on Tuesday’s green building episode of This Green Earth. (Google Earthship and Images if you haven’t the slightest idea what I’m talking about). Anyway, one of the best things you can do in your home or office for indoor air quality is buy a plant. Here are the top 10 plants and how they can help your indoor environment. I added the photos, because I don’t recognize plants by their names, but otherwise this is all theirs:
铁线蕨吸收辐射的电脑和打印机Adiantum absorbs radiation from computers and printers. | |
Adiantum absorbs 20 micrograms of formaldehyde per hour and it is considered the most effective natural cleaner. If you work with paint or have smokers around you, you should consider Adiantum. This plant also absorbs Xylene and Toluene released by monitors and printers.
空氣中过分有害時蘆薈會發出“帮助”的信號。Aloe “signals for help” when in excessively harmful air. |
Aloe “signals for help” when in excessively harmful air. Aloe is dubbed as an air cleaning expert. One pot of aloe is equal to nine biological air cleaners. Aloe absorbs formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. When the amount of toxins in the air have exceeded healthy amounts the leaves on the Aloe plant become spotted, signaling for help.
橡胶树是有助于消除有害物质。Rubber trees are helpful in eliminating harmful substances. |
The rubber tree is a multi-functional cleaner that eliminates harmful substances in the air. They can absorb carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and they collect granules which help reduce the dust around you.
芦笋能杀死病毒和细菌。Asparagus can kill viruses and bacteria. |
The fragrance of asparagus absorbs the bacteria and viruses in the air which can help optimize your health.
常春藤是目前吸收甲醛国王。Ivy is the king in absorbing formaldehyde. |
Ivy is the most effective indoor plant in absorbing formaldehyde. Ivy per square meter can absorb 1.49 grams of formaldehyde. It also absorbs harmful substances like benzene. In 24 hours, ivy can absorb 90% of indoor benzene.
仙人掌减少辐射和细菌是最好的。 Cacti is the best in reducing radiation and bacteria. |
Cacti is very strong in eliminating bacteria. In tackling pollution, cacti is also great at reducing radiation. In addition, cacti absorbs carbon dioxide at night to release oxygen. Putting cacti in the room is helpful in sleeping and supplementing oxygen.
吊蘭本身是一種空氣过滤器。 spider plant is an air filter itself. |
Chlorophytum can perform photosynthesis under weak light and absorb harmful air. One pot of Chlorophytum in 200 square foot room is enough to perform as an air filter, which releases oxygen and absorbs carcinogens like formaldehyde and styrene. Chlorophytum is very strong in absorbing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. It decomposes benzene and nicotine in tobacco as well.
君子蘭在冬季保持空气清新。Clivia keeps air fresh in winter. |
One adult Clivia can absorb one liter of air and release 80% of oxygen overnight. It can perform photosynthesis under very weak light. Two or three pots of clivia in a room can absorb the smoke. In winter in the north, even with doors and windows closed, Clivia can adjust the air make it fresh.
龟背竹在夜间,改善空气质量。 Monstera improves air quality at night. |
Monstera is really good at absorbing formaldehyde. It also absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases the oxygen, so it is helpful in improving air quality. It is also good looking and relatively easy to maintain.
發财树吸收烟霧。Pachira absorbs smoke well. |
If you can’t avoid smokers in your life, you can put pachira around you, which is effective at absorbing smoke. It also absorbs carbon dioxide and monoxide, and releases oxygen.
Good afternoon! Thanks for sharing the air pollution plants, I have none of them, next time to buy it.
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