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I love you, sweetheart (Sheila 提供) (05/03/13)

講師叫大家發短訊給其丈夫 :
"親愛的, 我愛你"
A group of women at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with their husbandwere asked, 
'How many of you love your husbands?' 
All the women raised their hands. 

Then they were asked, 'When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?' 
Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn't remember.

The women were then told to take their phones and send the following text:
'I love you, sweetheart'.
Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages.

Here are some of the replies.  
然後大家交換手機看丈夫如何回應  :

1. Who is this? 
是誰呀 ?

2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?   
孩子們的母親 , 你有病嗎 ?

3. I love you too.   

4. What now? Did you crash the car again? 
怎麼了你把車撞了 ?

5. I don't understand what you mean?       

6. What did you do now? I won't forgive you this time.   
你又闖什麼禍了 ? 這一次我不會原諒你.

7. ?!?    指我嗎 ?

8. Don't beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?    
別拐彎了  你要多少錢 ?

9. Am I dreaming?   
我在做夢嗎 ?

10. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.    
告訴我這是發給誰的我要他死 .

11. I asked you not to drink anymore. I'll leave if you are tired of me.    
我叫妳別喝酒了 如你厭倦了我  我會離去
12. Whatever you want the answer is no!         
不管你目的要什麼  都不可以 !



  1. 惜乎! 種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆,冰凍三尺,非一日之寒矣。

  2. 有點好奇: 如果換成是丈夫留言, 太太們是否會有同樣的回應...?!!

  3. 多數相信都係同一個答案,唔知做乜,人總係向唔好方面去諗,既然做得成夫妻,就應該互相信任 ,我-----SO FAR 對另一半就完全放心,因了解而結合,將來?發生點冇人知,我依家唔敢咁口响。下星期日就係母親節,祝全世界偉大母親,及與我們同甘共苦嘅太太,永遠幸福,快樂。四眼銓
